package vim-latexsuite
tag 407351 + wontfix help


I fear that this Alt-i bug can't be solved properly because
(as some of you already mentioned) some terminals (gnome-terminal,
konsole, etc.) send "Esc i" when one types Alt-i.
Remapping "Esc i" is not a good solution because this key sequence is
typed often key-by-key when one leaves insert mode and returns to it

To avoid this problem, one way might be something like
 imap ^[i <Plug>Tex_InsertItemOnThisLine
 set timeoutlen=10
in e.g. ~/.vim/ftplugin/tex.vim (type ^[ by Ctrl-V Esc ) but this would
not work on slow terminals and in my opinion, the timeoutlen option
should not be touched by a vim plugin at all.

A workaround would be replacing alt-i completely (see 
for a suggestion).

The other mappings with Alt- are affected as well.

I would be glad, if someone can find a solution to this annoying

Best wishes,
 Johann Felix Soden

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