Putting LCL in separate package will allow :
* Using LCL without ide (think about embedded targets)
* Have multiple LCL widgetsets (each in separate package)
* Ease cross compiling with cross LCL to be installed.
* Have lighter packages

> Hello!
> I could imagine the following solution for this problem and several others
> maintainers have if they try to build software which is using Lazarus for
> more than one widgetset:
>  * Split the Lazarus-ide package into the following packages:
>      lazarus-ide-gtk2 : Containing all binaries (but no PPU files) for
> Lazarus-gtk2
>      lazarus-ide-qt4  : Containing all binaries compiled for Qt4
      lazarus-ide : meta package depending on either two above mentioned
>      lazarus-nogui: All binaries which have no gui (like lazbuild)
      lazarus-builder may be more appropriate, as nogui is a widgetset
>      lazarus-units    : All Lazarus source files and widgetset independent
> binary units in /usr/lib/lazarus/0.9.28
      lcl : maybe more appropriate : should be a meta package depending
on either follwing
>      lazarus-lcl-qt4  : Precompiled qt4-units for Lazarus
      lcl-qt4 : I prefer
>      lazarus-lcl-gtk2 : Precompiled gtk2 interface
      lcl-gtk2 : I prefer
>  * By default, Lazarus-ide-gtk2 would be installed. lazarus-ide-gtk2 and
> lazarus-ide-qt4 would be in conflict, so that only one can be installed at
> time. Both will depend on lazarus-units
  why conflict? just use alternatives
>  * Each lazarus-ide-<widgetset> depends on lazarus-lcl-<widgetset>. It will
> be possible to install the qt4 and the gtk2 widgetset at the same time.
  should depend on lcl only (we can have qt4 ide and compile gtk2
>  * lazarus-ide-nogui is independent. This is useful for packageing if users
> don't want to install the whole lazarus IDE for building.
lazarus-builder IMHO yes
>  * Lazarus-units would contain all lazarus units, some
> widgetset-independent ones precompiled. This gives the opportunity to use
> the without lazarus-ide-<ws>
I'd rather use lcl-<component set>-<widgetset> e.g lcl-jcf2-gtk2,
> Any comments on this? I know, it's complex, but it is the most flexible
> solution I can imagine.

To be continued, but maybe we need dynamic loading support of
components, don't we?

Abou Al Montacir,

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