On Sun, 4 Oct 2009 18:20:03 +0200 Francesco Poli wrote:

> In the meanwhile, Debian is migrating to a dependency-based init script
> ordering (see insserv package).  This migration has recently reached
> Debian testing.
> With this new boot script ordering strategy, our problem could now be
> even easier to solve.
> Let's summarize our problem: we should ensure that the chrony stop
> script is executed before the hwclock stop script, during a shutdown,
> as explained by Daniel Vetter in http://bugs.debian.org/407466#25
> This should be achievable via LSB init headers, as shown in the attached
> patch for /etc/init.d/chrony, which adds a
>   # Should-Stop:       hwclock
> to the LSB init headers.
> John, please apply this patch, if you agree with it.

John, any progress in applying the patch I previously sent?

 New location for my website! Update your bookmarks!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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