fixed 532081 2.1-1

On Sun, 2009-11-15 at 15:36 +0100, Fabrice Lorrain wrote:
> Hello john and sorry to take so long to answer.
> As far as I'm concerned, this bug can be closed.
> I've been running 2.1 for quite some time now without seeing the high 
> cpu usage reported. The cpu usage is under 5% most of the time.
>  > particular option is causing the high CPU usage. Also check that ALSA
>  > dmix is disabled,
> For my information, what is the proper way to check alsa configuration?

It's a bit complicated; you have to look at the config files
in /usr/share/alsa/conf.  A simple test would be to try outputting to
PCM device "hw:0" rather than "default".  If you see a difference in CPU
usage, then dmix kicking in.

John Lindgren

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