
Dne Thu, 19 Nov 2009 19:26:31 -0500
Gene Cash <gene.c...@oracle.com> napsal(a):

> Actually, I filed these on geequie itself, so you probably haven't seen 
> them, come to think of it...

Ah okay, I actually expected that you would also file them on Debian

> OK, I don't care. I'm not going to battle with people about this any 
> more. I just want to find the version of the last real gqview package so 
> I can download it and install it, and pin it so it doesn't get upgraded 
> again. Problem solved for everybody. The "whack! where did my program go 
> that I depend on several times a day? and I can't get the new one to do 
> what the old one did! I'm screwed!" feeling has left me with no need to 
> try geequie again.

The last gqview in Debian was 2.0.4-6 . And yes that's exactly the
problem, nobody cares about gqview. If anybody would, it would not be

        Michal Čihař | http://cihar.com | http://blog.cihar.com

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