On 21 Nov, <markhob...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote: > I would like the facility to be able to produce the phonic sounds of > letters, rather than the names of the letters.
> If I type: > espeak 'a, b, c, d, e, f, g' > This gives "ay bee see dee ee eff jee" > I am writing some educational software and I need to be able to > produce the short sounds. What exactly do you mean by "phonic sounds of letters". You can use phoneme codes to make sounds, eg: espeak "[['a]]" will say an "a" vowel, not the name of the letter "a". For most consonants, you need a vowel in order to produce the consonant sound. So for "b" try: espeak "[...@]]" or espeak "[...@-]]" You can fine what are the phoneme codes that eSpeak uses for a word, by using the -x options, eg: espeak -x "test" shows the phonemes: t'Est I'm not sure what the "phonic" sounds for a,e,i,o,u will be, since each vowel letter (and some consonants) have different sounds in different words. For British English the "short vowels" are phonemes: [a] [E] [I] [0] [V], as in "sat", "set", "hit", "hot", "hut". -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-dist-requ...@lists.debian.org with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org