On dim., 2009-11-29 at 11:39 -0800, Jamie Zawinski wrote:
> > My point is, I *dont* want xscreensaver to manage them. afair, it
> was
> > working before, power management is disabled in xscreensaver, which
> > means it shouldn't mess it.
> We can't always get what we want.
> It's impossible to allow use of both xset and a GUI and know which
> setting should take priority, since setting changes don't have
> timestamps on them.  For it to be possible to use xset to control DPMS
> settings, xscreensaver would have to not have a GUI for configuring
> that at all.  One has to pick one and stick with it.  Since you
> installed xscreensaver, that's the one that takes over.
> Just use the xscreensaver GUI to control things and everything will be
> fine.

The thing is, xscreensaver gui only allows *one* settings. I don't use
xset, I use xfce4-power-manager, which has two sets, AC and BAT.
> You appear to be assuming that if you pick some magic set of settings
> in the xscreensaver GUI, then after that you will be able to use xset
> to your heart's content.  That's not how it works, because that's not
> possible.

The thing is, xscreensaver will force the DPMS settings each time it
activates. So that's not even that the most recent config will take
precedence, xscreensaver will mess with the config *everytime*.
> Not a bug.

Sure it is, if you don't want to fix it (or report it) that's another

Do you really think that *waking up* the screen when the screensaver
activates is really a consistent behavior? That will happen if the
screensaver activation time is superior to the (xscreensaver-demo
or .xscreensaver configured) DPMS settings.

If xscreensaver can't manage dpms stuff correctly, I'm fine with that, I
can use something which does it fine. But only if it doesn't break it
through my back.


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