Le mardi 01 décembre 2009, Norbert Preining a écrit :
> On Di, 01 Dez 2009, Tanguy Ortolo wrote:
> > information. There are these 6 characters in debian/control, “>= 0.8”,
> > that providea wrong information. Replacing them by these seven
> > characters, “>= 0.10”, does provide the right information.
> No, you are wrong, because popller will change the API again (as you
> can easily see from the amount of patches and changes), and then
> >= 0.10 is not enough, because we would need << 0.10.1, too.
> Can you provide that? No, becasue AFAIR (but I might be wrong here)
> this is not supported.

Is it not? I thought I saw it somewhere, for other packages. Anyway.

> >   - makes backporting harder,
> Wrong, it make backporting *easier, you need only change
>       debian/patches/series

My apologies, I did not know that Poppler API and patch issue. The only
thing I saw is a source packages that did not compile although I had the
necessary dependencies installed.

So there is a good reason for that. Again, sorry if I did not see it,
my report was pointless. Sorry for the time it took you, too.

> >   - makes “funny builds on stable systems” harder;
> Well, that is what the package for stable is for ...

Yes, but luatex's experimental version is needed as a dependency of
texlive 2009. Anyway, I am playing too much between stable and unstable,
that is my fault.

> I prefer investing my time in tracking time real bugs, not useless
> bug that only occur if someone builds a package for a wrong distribtuion.

No problem, I shall not reopen it now I know the reason of that strange

Tanguy Ortolo

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