Hi Helmut,

Thanks for the bug report!.

Helmut Grohne wrote:
> Package: munin-node
> Version: 1.4.0-1
> Severity: important
> The df and df_inode plugins lost all history about filesystems on lvm
> since upgrading to 1.4.0-1. The source of this problem is a change in
> the naming of rrd files. Previously they would be called
> localhost.localdomain-df-_mapper_volumegroup_logicalvolume-g.rrd and now
> contain an additional _dev in front of _mapper.

This is a known issue in munin 1.4.0 upgrading from 1.2.6. It is
documented in the upstream release notes, and also packaged in the munin
package at: /usr/share/doc/munin/UPGRADING

Here's the relevant text from the /usr/share/doc/munin/UPGRADING file:

From Munin 1.2.6

If you have munin-nodes running 1.2.6 then some of the plugins use
short (truncated) field names.  Especially the Linux df plugin will be
using truncated fieldnames for some disk devices.  This is due to a
basing a bug fix on obsolete documentation.  The device names were
limited to 19 characters, only the 19 last characters of the device
name was used.  This truncation is done by the plugin on the node.
When the plugin/node is upgraded the truncation stops.

There is no really reliable way to fix this or migrate automatically.
What you can do is install 1.4.0 on one node at a time, and for each
upgrade examine your rrd file names.  You should be able to identify
rrd files for the upgraded node that have nearly identical names.
Personally I would use a graphical file browser for this.  If you find
two files that should be one then the one with the longest filename
should be newest, and the one with the short file name should not have
been updated since the node upgrade.  Rename the file with the short
name so that it has the long name.

I hope this helps.

    Tom Feiner

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