tag 539187 - patch
reassign 539187 libgv-python

The proposed patch will completely break some other packages, and only
works for libgv-python by coincidence. Please don’t commit this.

Furthermore, it is not the role of dh_pysupport to fix broken symbolic
links. We have a tool for that, it’s named dh_link. The documentation
mentions to call dh_pysupport just before dh_installdeb, and yes, that
means after dh_link. Maybe I should mention this explicitly.

In this case, inverting the dh_pysupport and dh_link calls should fix
the issue.

Also note that the package should be named python-gv instead.

 .''`.      Josselin Mouette
: :' :
`. `'   “I recommend you to learn English in hope that you in
  `-     future understand things”  -- Jörg Schilling

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