[please cc: me on replies]


Not sure if this is this issue (#530024) or a different one.

After the latest reboot I can not get nm (with knetworkmanager frontend) to 
manage my network in any way.

I tried various permutations of policykit being installed or not, nm-system-
settings.conf on  managed or not, entries in /etc/network/interfaces there 
or not.

At one time knetworkmanager did complain about (dbus) permissions, 
duplicatng the "at_console" policy into a group="netdev" section in 
/etc/dbus-1/system.d/NetworkManager-kde4.conf apparently fixed this.

Now I don't get any complaints that I can tell but knetworkmanager still 
tells me "network management disabled."  I'm a bit at a loss...

Any help appreciated.

| Status=Not/Inst/Cfg-files/Unpacked/Failed-cfg/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name                                    Version                    
ii  consolekit                              0.4.1-2                    
framework for defining and tracking users, 
sessions and seats
ii  dbus                                    1.2.16-2                   simple 
interprocess messaging system
ii  hal                                     0.5.13-6                   Hardware 
Abstraction Layer
ii  hal-info                                20091130-1                 Hardware 
Abstraction Layer - fdi files
ii  network-manager                         0.7.2-2                    network 
management framework daemon
ii  network-manager-kde                     1:0.8~svn1029786-1         KDE 
system tray applet for controlling 
ii  policykit                               0.9-4                      
framework for managing administrative policies 
and privileges
ii  udev                                    149-1                      /dev/ 
and hotplug management daemon

after killing nm-system-settings and /etc/init.d/network-manager stop, 
starting network-manager shows:

Dec 10 15:35:24 laeggerli NetworkManager: <info>  starting...
Dec 10 15:35:24 laeggerli NetworkManager: <info>  Found radio killswitch 
Dec 10 15:35:24 laeggerli NetworkManager: <info>  Trying to start the system 
settings daemon...
Dec 10 15:35:24 laeggerli nm-system-settings:    SCPlugin-Ifupdown: init!
Dec 10 15:35:24 laeggerli nm-system-settings:    SCPlugin-Ifupdown: 
Dec 10 15:35:24 laeggerli nm-system-settings:    SCPluginIfupdown: guessed 
connection type (eth0) = 802-3-ethernet
Dec 10 15:35:24 laeggerli nm-system-settings:    SCPlugin-Ifupdown: 
update_connection_setting_from_if_block: name:eth0, 
type:802-3-ethernet, autoconnect:0, id:Ifupdown (eth0), uuid: 
Dec 10 15:35:24 laeggerli nm-system-settings:    SCPluginIfupdown: management 
mode: managed
Dec 10 15:35:24 laeggerli nm-system-settings:    SCPlugin-Ifupdown: devices 
added (udi: 
/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/net_00_1e_68_cd_7b_3f, iface: eth0)
Dec 10 15:35:24 laeggerli nm-system-settings:    SCPluginIfupdown: locking 
wired connection setting
Dec 10 15:35:24 laeggerli nm-system-settings:    SCPlugin-Ifupdown: devices 
added (udi: 
/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/net_00_22_69_77_40_84, iface: wlan0)
Dec 10 15:35:24 laeggerli nm-system-settings:    SCPlugin-Ifupdown: end _init.
Dec 10 15:35:24 laeggerli nm-system-settings: Loaded plugin ifupdown: (C) 2008 
Canonical Ltd.  To report bugs please 
use the NetworkManager mailing list.
Dec 10 15:35:24 laeggerli nm-system-settings: Loaded plugin keyfile: (c) 2007 - 
2008 Red Hat, Inc.  To report bugs 
please use the NetworkManager mailing list.
Dec 10 15:35:24 laeggerli nm-system-settings:    SCPlugin-Ifupdown: (134687104) 
... get_connections.
Dec 10 15:35:24 laeggerli nm-system-settings:    SCPlugin-Ifupdown: (134687104) 
connections count: 1

killing and restarting knetworkmanager doesn't add anything to that (either 
in .xsession-errors, on the terminal or in syslog)

Kernel is 2.6.31-1-686 (tried 2.6.32-trunk but rt... whatever firmware
is not available yet...); rest of the system is basically squeeze with some
sid bits; originally updated from lenny.

-- vbi

Die Schicksalsfrage der Menschenart scheint mir zu sein, ob und in
welchem Maße es ihrer Kulturentwicklung gelingen wird, der Störung des
Zusammenlebens durch den menschlichen Aggressions- und
Selbstvernichtungstrieb Herr zu werden.
                -- Sigmund Freud

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