Package: munin
Version: 1.4.1-1

[resent as bug report as requested]


after installing a new version of munin (I assume it was 1.4.1-1 or -2)
I noticed a link in /etc/apache2/conf.d: munin -> ../../munin/apache.conf
that suddenly (a) adds /munin/ to all virtual hosts and (b) uses a new
directory for /munin/ and (c) disables remote access and (c) enables
password-less access from localhost.

I am not exactly sure this is the desired behaviour.


/var/cache/munin/www is fine for new installations.  For upgrading
existing installations it's questionable to use a directory without
prior checking the current configuration, since users could have
configured a different one in /etc/munin/munin.conf.

Please don't get me wrong, I'm more or less fine with this as
initial configuration, but I have some problems with altering
an existing configuration that way.



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