
please note that even if the other bug (#560093) got closed, your
package still can't be built:
| The following packages have unmet dependencies:
|   default-jdk-builddep: Depends: gcj-jdk but it is not going to be installed
| E: Broken packages

(This is sid/amd64.)

Logging into the chroot, I'm getting this:
$ apt-get install -s default-jdk-builddep
→ fine.

$ apt-get install -s default-jdk-builddep gjdoc
→ default-jdk-builddep: Depends: gcj-jdk but it is not going to be installed

$ apt-get install -s default-jdk-builddep gcj-jdk
→ fine.

So it appears to me that having gcj-jdk provide gjdoc isn't
sufficient, since apt-get prefers the real package over the provided
one, stumbles upon some conflicts, and fails to figure out a solution;
while there are clearly “easy” ones.

 1. http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-changes/2009/12/msg00756.html

I'm Cc-ing -java@, they might tweak some package relationships to help
package managers figure out a solution.


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