Carl Worth wrote:
> Package: seahorse-plugins
> Version: 2.28.1-2
> Severity: important
> I recently switched from running GNOME to running xfce4 instead, and
> when I did so I found that my email program no longer brought up the
> nice, graphical prompt for my GPG passphrase, (nor remembered it from
> one email to the next).
> I tracked the bug down to the file /etc/X11/Xsession.d/60seahorse
> which says:
> if [ -n "$GNOMERC" ] && [ -x $SEAHORSE ] && [ -z "$GPG_AGENT_INFO" ]; then
>       STARTUP="$SEAHORSE --execute $STARTUP"
> fi

This is the changelog snippet:

seahorse (2.22.1-2) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Josselin Mouette ]
  * seahorse.Xsession: only start seahorse-agent for GNOME sessions.
    Closes: #443115, #472641.

> To workaround this for now, I kludged things by adding another file in
> the same directory (55xfce) that simply does:
> # Set GNOMERC so that we get seahorse within an XFCE session
> With this, seahorse and my email program now work exactly as I want.
> Obviously my kludge involves a lie, so that's not desireable. A proper
> fix would be to simply start seahorse in any X session for which
> everything it requires is available. Is that a matter of simply
> removing the '[ -n "$GNOMERC" ]' from the above?

Yes, but that's not a good solution for everyone...

> Or is there some capability that both GNOME and xfce4 are providing
> (that perhaps some other session would not) that should be checked for?

Before enabling it again in Xfce I'd like to hear the opionion of the Xfce


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