Hi Jan,

> Please, consider packaging these data for OpenTTD.
I've considered this before, and already decided that I'd give it a shot. I
just haven't found the time so far. This matter is slightly complicated by the
fact that OpenGFX needs some extra tools grfcodec and something else IIRC that
would need to be packaged first, but that's only some extra work, not a

Another open issue is how to handle the existing "run with original files"
capbility. There are some datafiles (from the openttd source package)
needed together with the original TTD files (e.g., some extra graphics).
OpenGFX doesn't require these files, so putting them in a separate
"openttd-original-graphics-compatibility" package (but with a shorter name
:-p) might make sense (but how to handle upgrades, then?). This needs some
further thought as well.

Summarizing: Good idea, I hope to get around to it Real Soon now.



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