
  It is actually very easy to test; using the attached file, I get the

~ pymol -c test.pml
 PyMOL(TM) Molecular Graphics System, Version 1.2r1.
 Command mode. No graphics front end.
 Detected 2 CPU cores.  Enabled multithreaded rendering.
PyMOL>ray 100,100
 Ray: render time: 0.00 sec. = 23376623.4 frames/hour (0.00 sec. accum.).
PyMOL>png biniou.png
 Ray: render time: 0.00 sec. = 1407349.5 frames/hour (0.00 sec. accum.).
 ScenePNG: wrote 640x480 pixel image to file "biniou.png".
 PyMOL: normal program termination.

  See that pymol is rendering the image twice, and the second time
with a resolution that is wrong.

  When running it without batch mode on, I get that:

~/tmp/pymol \pymol test.pml
 PyMOL(TM) Molecular Graphics System, Version 1.2r1.
 OpenGL graphics engine:
  GL_VENDOR: NVIDIA Corporation
  GL_VERSION: 3.0.0 NVIDIA 185.18.36
 Adapting to Quadro hardware.
 Detected 2 CPU cores.  Enabled multithreaded rendering.
PyMOL>ray 100,100
 Ray: render time: 0.00 sec. = 23376623.4 frames/hour (0.00 sec. accum.).
PyMOL>png biniou.png
 ScenePNG: wrote 100x100 pixel image to file "biniou.png".

  See that it is rendering only once and saving to the right
resolution. I'll try to go fishing for the problem in the code, but
I'm unsure whether I'll manage.



Attachment: test.pml
Description: Binary data

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