tag 560536 - pending

Hi Bernd,

Unfortunately your patch doesn't work as expected. It compiles fine but
navit hangs at startup. Here are the tests I've run:

* server : gpsd 2.90
* client : libgps19, navit 0.2.0~svn2865 with libgps-2.90-fix
=> ko

* server : fso-gpsd
* client : libgps19, navit 0.2.0~svn2865 with libgps-2.90-fix
=> ok

* server : gpsd 2.90
* client : libgps18, navit 0.2.0~svn2865 without libgps-2.90-fix
=> ok

The results are the same whether navit runs on my FreeRunner or on my
laptop. The server side is always the FreeRunner.

The "ko" symptoms are that navit uses 80%+ cpu right after the navit.xml
parsing, and no gui shows up. In some cases the gui appears but stays
blank. In some rare cases navit starts successfully.

I don't know where to look from there... :/



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