severity 562022 important
tag 562022 + unreproducible

Hi Vedran, and thanks for your bug report, 

On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 01:18:14AM +0100, Vedran Furač wrote:
> % boinccmd --get_state
> Authorization failure: -155
> # cd /etc/boinc-client
> # echo test > gui_rpc_auth.cfg
> # boinccmd --get_state --passwd test

Please be sure that if you set a password the order of this option must be
put before any command, this can be found on the boinccmd(1)
  «Notice that the order of the options is important. The --host and --passwd
   options must precede any command.»

> Authorization failure: -155
> So either boinc is broken or its documentation is. Boinc-manager doesn't
> work either (gets disconnected immediately after starting).

I tried to reproduce this bug on 4 boxes, I was able to pass commands
using boinccmd without any password set on gui_rpc_auth.cfg

If I set a password I could connect properly if the --passwd option was
set before the command option:

@tepitzin:~ $ boinccmd --passwd foo --get_disk_usage && boinccmd --get_state 
--passwd foo
======== Disk usage ========
total: 55000715264.000000
free: 37275279360.000000
Authorization failure: -155

I'm downgrading the severity to Important, I'll keep trying to reproduce the


René Mayorga

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