
You rock for the super-speedy reply!

On 28 December 2009 at 13:55, Mark Brown wrote:
| On 28 Dec 2009, at 13:35, Dirk Eddelbuettel <> wrote:
| > We're having a rather serious breakage in R when the zlib1g from  
| > unstable is
| > installed.  R transparently wraps its file operations around open()/ 
| > gzopen()
| > and now no longer works on uncompressed files -- see the logs of  
| > this bug
| > report for examples from read.dcf(), an internal R function critical  
| > to its
| > use of its packages and pretty close to how we deal with debian/ 
| > control.
| >
| > Is there anything upstream or in your packaging that you could  
| > suspect?  I
| > haven't talk to R upstream yet some of whom are usually pretty  
| > current so I'd
| > expect them to use a current libz as well.
| Which specific version are you running and do you have a reproduction  
| case? -1 was broken in this respect but -2 should fix the issue I know  
| about. This was working for me in my tests. There were some minor  
| changes here but straightforward usage seemed to be working well. I'm  
| on a mobile connection so can't test any R specific stuff until much  
| later today.

Three different Debian unstable users reported / confirmed the issue.  A
simple test would be what has piled up in the bug reports, eg as demonstrated
by ChenLiang things break once we wrap gzfile() around:

    readLines(gzfile(system.file("DESCRIPTION", package="lattice")))

returns nothing with the 1: version whereas I on testing -- and
the unstable users who downgraded -- get the whole record:

~> echo 'readLines(gzfile(system.file("DESCRIPTION", package="lattice")))' | R 
 [1] "Package: lattice"                                                    
"Version: 0.17-26"                                                   
 [3] "Date: 2009/10/05"                                                    
"Priority: recommended"                                              
 [5] "Title: Lattice Graphics"                                             
"Author: Deepayan Sarkar <>"            
 [7] "Maintainer: Deepayan Sarkar <>"         
"Description: Implementation of Trellis Graphics. See ?Lattice for a"
 [9] "        brief introduction"                                          
"Depends: R (>= 2.5.0)"                                              
[11] "Suggests: grid, KernSmooth"                                          
"Imports: grid, grDevices, graphics, stats, utils"                   
[13] "Enhances: chron"                                                     
"LazyLoad: yes"                                                      
[15] "LazyData: yes"                                                       
"License: GPL (>= 2)"                                                
[17] "Packaged: 2009-10-04 19:52:55 UTC; dsarkar"                          
"Repository: CRAN"                                                   
[19] "Date/Publication: 2009-10-05 07:01:14"                               
"Built: R 2.10.0; i486-pc-linux-gnu; 2009-11-21 20:08:58 UTC; unix"  

You should be able to run this on the shell.

Let me know how I can help. I should be near email for the next 10 hours when
we're off to another little neighbourhood Xmas party.


| > Thanks a bunch, Dirk
| >
| > On 28 December 2009 at 14:06, Johannes Fichtinger wrote:
| > | Hallo Dirk!
| > |
| > | Am Montag, 28. Dezember 2009 13:24:29 schrieb Dirk Eddelbuettel:
| > | > On the other hand, the library for gzip (zlib) is something  
| > where Debian
| > | > could be different which is wht 'we' see the bug and nobody  
| > else.  What do
| > | > you have on sid -- I have
| > | >
| > | > ii  zlib1g        1:           compression  
| > library - runtime
| > | > ii  zlib1g-dev    1:           compression  
| > library -
| > | >  development
| > | >
| > | > and 'apt-cache policy' leads to a newer version on unstable
| > | >  (1:2.3.4.dfsg-15)
| > | >
| > | > Can you downgrade zlib1g and see if this persists?
| > |
| > | No, here it does not. Downgrading the library to  
| > from testing
| > | solves the problem for me.
| > |
| > | Best greetings,
| > | Johannes
| >
| > -- 
| > Three out of two people have difficulties with fractions.
| >

Three out of two people have difficulties with fractions.

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