tags 563028 + patch

    Seb == Sebastien Delafond <s...@debian.org> wrote

    Seb> There is no Java5 SDK that I can find left in the archive:
    Seb> sun-java5 was removed a while ago,

Hi Sebastian,

Java5 is non-free in Lenny http://packages.debian.org/lenny/sun-java5-jre
Java5 is still, IMHO, widely used in production installations today
and probably will be for several more years inspite of its end of life.

    Seb> openjdk never had a version 5 in debian, and gcj could never
    Seb> quite build jruby, so this will have to remain like this.

I hope the attached simple dpatch file will change your mind :-) 

As I learned this weekend, the JRuby build process defaults to generate
class files in the 1.5 format (even with a 1.6 JDK as on Squeeze) when
using javac. However, this default is not being passed in build.xml
to the org.jruby.anno.InvokerGenerator (see org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig)
which defaults to the current JRE version instead.

As a result we are ending up with version 1.5 class files generated by
the (v1.6) javac and 1.6 class files for ASM generated classes during
the build by InvokerGenerator.

I believe this bug should be reported upstream. The upstream binary
works with JDK 1.5 so I can only assume they are building with a 1.5
JDK.  I'd be happy to report upstream if you prefer that (I am a casual
user with practically zero JRuby experience, hence the reluctance to
start there).

I certainly am hoping you will reconsider the wontfix/wishlist position
so users like me, whose business environment often insists on a 1.5 JDK,
won't have to use a home grown JRuby package/upstream tarball ;-)


#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
## 07_jruby_bytecode_version.dpatch by Shyamal Prasad <shya...@member.fsf.org>
## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
## DP: Set bytecode version for ASM generated bytecodes to target javac 
## DP: version during the build process


--- jruby-1.4.0/build.xml.orig  2010-01-09 22:49:27.000000000 -0800
+++ jruby-1.4.0/build.xml       2010-01-09 22:47:35.000000000 -0800
@@ -197,6 +197,7 @@
       <!-- uncomment this line when building on a JVM with invokedynamic
       <jvmarg line="-XX:+InvokeDynamic"/>
+      <sysproperty key="jruby.bytecode.version" value="${javac.version}"/>
       <arg value="src_gen/annotated_classes.txt"/>
       <arg value="${jruby.classes.dir}"/>

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