Alexander Reichle-Schmehl wrote:
> tags 419660 +unreproducible
> thanks
> Hi!
> I just took over maintainance of Debian's "iftop" package and stumbeled
> upon the bug report #419660 in which you have been active.
> I'm sorry to inform you, that so far I failed to reproduce your bug.  I
> tried several (UTF-8)-locales an different terminals, but I always got
> the correct output.
> Could you please try to reproduce the bug?  If you can't reproduce it
> any longer, may I then close this bug report?

Hi Alexander

Here the bug is still present. Calling iftop like this:

LANG=de_CH.UTF-8 iftop

but also in the default en_US.UTF-8 locale, the top two lines show like
this in a PuTTY session under Windows Vista (translation in PuTTY set to
"UTF-8", and "Use Unicode line drawing characters" enabled):

                        25.0Kb                  50.0Kb
75.0Kb                  100Kb              125Kb

I can't check under a native Linux terminal, as this server runs
headless and without X.

FWIW, line and box drawing works fine in Midnight Commander, e.g. But
don't ask me what output library they use...


Beat Bolli
mail: echo '<>' | tr -d '[A-S]'
pgp: 0x506A903A; 49D5 794A EA77 F907 764F  D89E 304B 93CF 506A 903A
icbm: 47.0452 N, 7.2715 E

"It takes love over gold, and mind over matter" -- Dire Straits

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