Ana Guerrero dixit:

>I have realized kwalletcli's debian/copyright is generated at build time. While
>this make the binaries packages have a proper copyright file, the source
>package does not have a complete debian/copyright file.

The source package may not have a complete debian/copyright, but it
contains a proper licence anyway, and there are several other packages
doing the same, so I do not see a requirement to do so.

Policy 2.3, 4.5 and 12.5 say /usr/share/doc/<package>/copyright is the
requirement, but source:debian/copyright is only a “should”.
So unless there is a really good reason, I’m tempted to WONTFIX this.

However, I will not do so at the moment. There is discussion underways
whether this package will be taken over by pkg-kde, so it’ll be their
discussion by then. I’ll keep this bug open until that’s decided, one
way or the other.

Sometimes they [people] care too much: pretty printers [and syntax highligh-
ting, d.A.] mechanically produce pretty output that accentuates irrelevant
detail in the program, which is as sensible as putting all the prepositions
in English text in bold font.   -- Rob Pike in "Notes on Programming in C"

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