if "local" has been chosen in debconf, then add a line in the config file 
idicating that we want to store the file in /var/log/ocsinventory-agent

this should quickly solve the issue but it raises new problems :

- rotate the files ?
- let the user choose which location should be used ?
- document the location of the file in the README ?

Fabrice Flore-Thébault
>       LOCAL="/var/log/ocsinventory-agent"
>       elif [ "$RET" = "local" ]; then
>         LOCAL="/var/log/ocsinventory-agent"
> 	# we should create a new method to let user decide where to put the file
> 	#db_get ocsinventory-agent/local || true
> 	#LOCAL="$RET"
>       if [ -n "$LOCAL" ]; then
>         echo "local=$LOCAL" >> $TMPFILE
>         mkdir -p "$LOCAL"
>       fi

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