Severity: wishlist

----- Forwarded message from Filippo Giunchedi <> -----

Date: Sat, 30 Jan 2010 23:28:41 +0100
From: Filippo Giunchedi <>
To: NM Front Desk <>
Subject: Re: New Debian Developer:

Hi NM,

On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 10:14:00PM +0000, NM Front Desk wrote:
> This is an automatic message from the New Maintainer website found at
> It seems that the DAM has approved
> Albert Huang <>. Please remember that nm.d.o is
> not authoritative and this mail may be an error! Make sure to use finger
> on a .d.o host to check whether an account is really there (also
> remember that the account information on .d.o is only updated every 15
> minutes and can take up to an hour).

nitpicking: can you include the account name that's being created?
just for the sake of lazyness of checking nm.d.o website vs finger :)

thanks for your work,
Filippo Giunchedi - - 0x6B79D401

Caelum, non animo mutant, qui trans mare currunt
Who crosses the sea changes the sky, not the soul.
-- Oratius

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