retitle 568762 modal windows are evil
On 07/02/2010 18:53, Éric Araujo wrote:
>> Well, that's a point of a modal window. Just quit the about window
>> before and you'll be fine.
> Implicit in my message was “modal windows are evil” :) They are a
> nuisance for users and thus discouraged in various usabilitity guidelines.

Then you should have titled your bug like this :)
>> I don't exactly see this as a bug.
> If I click the close buton or the menu in my taskbar, it means I want
> the program to close, no matter how many windows it has. Other GTK
> programs behave this way: Medit, Thunar, xfce4-terminal.
> What’s your viewpoint?

My viewpoint was that it was the purpose of modal dialog. So not, it's
not a bug, it's a feature, it was intended like this. Now if you
disagree about the use of modal windows, it's another thing. I don't
exactly like the modal windows, but tbh I could care more about this. I
have quite some other stuff to care about, and I know mousepad stable
isn't much maintained. There's a development branch being maintained, so
maybe there's something to do there, but unless you provide a patch or
deal with this upstream, I'm not sure it'll happen.

Sorry but we're not much dealing with Xfce package and I prefer focus on
more important stuff.


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