Thomas Goirand schrieb am Donnerstag, den 11. Februar 2010:
> I'm talking about the default behavior here, once you install amavis and
> start using it. Not about any "high magic" as you say. But have you just
> said that amavis is not configured a correct way by default?
> By default, there is a /etc/amavis/conf.d/20-debian_defaults. Am I
> mistaking that it is you guys, maintainers of the package, that wrote
> it, and decided to jail in ~/virusmails? I don't see any magic here,
> just the default that you decided, right? That's the part that I'm
> discussing. The amavis package has BY DEFAULT a ~/virusmails junk
> destination, and I feel that BY DEFAULT it should also maintain it. Is
> that completely insane?
Its a quarantine queue, maintaining the quarantine queue is about the work of
the system administrator. Full stop. 

Ever heard about false positives? 
And thats it. Btw. ever heard about system monitoring? 


P.S. for my part the discussion ends here. amavisd-new is not a "black box
final product" you have to adapt it to your needs, if you don't do - not the
package fault. 

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