Thanks David!

But (nothing too bad): the store patch created errors and a reject file
(==> acp_database.php.rej), no idea why. I made those changes manually then.

I used the install folder from the original 3.0.4 tarball.
*** 26,32 ****
        function main($id, $mode)
                global $cache, $db, $user, $auth, $template, $table_prefix;
-               global $config, $phpbb_root_path, $phpbb_admin_path, $phpEx;
--- 26,32 ----
        function main($id, $mode)
                global $cache, $db, $user, $auth, $template, $table_prefix;
+               global $config, $phpbb_root_path, $phpbb_admin_path, $phpEx, 
*** 530,537 ****
                if ($store == true)
-                       global $phpbb_root_path;
-                       $file = $phpbb_root_path . 'store/' . $filename . $ext;
                        $this->fp = $open($file, 'w');
--- 530,537 ----
                if ($store == true)
+                       global $phpbb_root_path, $url_forum;
+                       $file = $phpbb_root_path . 'store/'. $url_forum. '/' . 
$filename . $ext;
                        $this->fp = $open($file, 'w');

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