Jozef Kutej <> writes:

> Ansgar Burchardt wrote:
>> A YAML file can call constructors for all loaded modules?  That would
> no, not constructors, there is even no way of knowing what is the name
> of constructor, but even just by loading a module it is code
> execution. mostly the code that makes the initialization and
> import().

That can still result in interesting behaviour together with
overloading.  For example the attached program will access the Internet
and the value of $data->{foo}->{content} can change between the two
print statements (influenced by whoever operates the server).
This just waits for somebody to find a way to abuse this...

#! /usr/bin/perl

package Foo;
use overload '%{}' => \&f;
use LWP::Simple;

sub new {
  bless shift;

sub f {
  my $self = shift;
  bless $self, 'overload::dummy';
  my $content = get($self->{url});
  bless $self, 'Foo';
  return { content => $content };


package main;
use YAML::Syck;

my $foo = Foo::new { url => ""; };
my $data = LoadFile(\*DATA);

# validate data
print $data->{foo}->{content};

# now do something with the validated data
print $data->{foo}->{content};


foo: !perl/Foo

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