package gedit
retitle 554471 gedit: menu item in Nautilus "Open With" menu says only "gedit"
found 554471 2.28.3-1

On 28-Nov-2009, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
> Janos Guljas wrote:
> > After upgrade of files:

I am testing with the following versions:

$ dpkg-query --show gedit emacs23 vim-gui-common gnome-panel gnome-panel-data 
libebook1.2-9 libecal1.2-7 libedataserver1.2-11 libedataserverui1.2-8 
libpanel-applet2-0 nautilus
emacs23 23.1+1-5
gedit   2.28.3-1
gnome-panel     2.28.0-3
gnome-panel-data        2.28.0-3
libebook1.2-9   2.28.2-1
libecal1.2-7    2.28.2-1
libedataserver1.2-11    2.28.2-1
libedataserverui1.2-8   2.28.2-1
libpanel-applet2-0      2.28.0-3
nautilus        2.28.4-1
vim-gui-common  2:7.2.330-1

> > Main menu item name is: gedit Text Editor.

Same here.

> > Name of the menu item under right click Open With is: gedit.

Same here.

For comparison, the ‘emacs23’ and ‘gvim’ editors have the following
values in the “Open With” menu:

    emacs23:    GNU Emacs 23
    gvim:       GVim Text Editor

 \         “I turned to speak to God/About the world's despair; But to |
  `\   make bad matters worse/I found God wasn't there.” —Robert Frost |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney <>

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