reopen 572966
retitle 572966 Packaging could easily be improved
tag 572966 patch
severity 572966 minor

Hi again,

ok. Point taken. I feel ashamed of the easy with which you solved the
issues, and I'll try to upload something solving these issues. Reopening
the bug to not loose the discussion & patch.

Thanks for this patch, and the rest of your work,

Le lundi 08 mars 2010 à 11:18 +0100, Jan Hauke Rahm a écrit : 
> Hi again,
> On Mon, Mar 08, 2010 at 09:37:55AM +0100, Martin Quinson wrote:
> > You must be kidding, right? 
> No, I'm not. Although I acknowledge what you're saying and of course
> accept your decision not to remove the package. Note that for this exact
> reason I didn't send a request to remove it to ftp-masters but a
> proposal to you. I understand my proposal wasn't that welcome :)
> > This package works just fine and have no bug
> > beside a request for removing someone from uploaders. There's a bunch of
> > requests from lintian about the packaging format, but since the software
> > works just fine (and does so since 3 years), nobody should need to
> > rebuild it anytime soon, so I dont feel the fact that the rules do not
> > follow the lastest stadards as release critical.
> Well, I disagree here. Of course this is not release critical but if you
> took the time to actually update the package, you'd see that it makes a
> few changes. Yes, the code compiles apparently the same way, but two
> changes are simply managed in the resulting binary:
> * actually put the examples in there (you just have an empty dir)
> * doc-base is nowadays organized by triggers which makes the generated
>   maintainer scripts useless
> I attached what I would change if this were a QA package. After all it's
> your call and I'm not judging what you do, but from a QA perspective I'd
> strongly go for a few changes (and if we're at it, do all of them).
> > Moreover, I'm not very active, but I'm not completely MIA: I read debian
> > mails, and react to important matter. Since I use flexml on a daily
> > basis, if something goes wrong with that soft, I'll handle it.
> Noted. Thanks for clearing that up.
> > Finally, a popcon score of 100 is quite a huge amount given the fact
> > that this is a developer only tool, targeting only C programmer forced
> > to add some XML in their project, but not willing to add a depend on
> > some "fancy" library.
> Sorry, I didn't notice this earlier. Popcon is often misleading but it's
> impossible to by-hand check every single package that exact. :(
> > That is why I'm closing this bug report.
> Right.
> > Thanks for you QA work anyway,
> > Mt.
> You're welcome!
> Hauke
> on behalf of Debian QA/MIA

-- Chaque fois que je regarde la télé et que je vois ces pauvres enfants
affamés à travers le monde, je me mets à pleurer sans pouvoir m'en
empecher. Je veux dire, j'aimerais bien être mince comme eux, mais sans
les mouches, la guerre et tout ca. --- Mariah Carey

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