On Sat, 06 Aug 2005 12:58:29 +0200
Willi Mann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> [I'm resending this mail because I got a 550 User Unknown for 
Thanks for resending the mail, I must have made a typing mistake!
Sorry for your inconvenience!

> > The packet sqwebmail does not include libgdbmg1 in its dependencies.
> > If you remove libraries via deborphan then libgdbmg1 will be deleted and 
> > sqwebmail will no longer be usable.
> > Also if the library libgdbmg1 is not installed then sqwebmail will quit 
> > with an "internal server error".
> I cannot confirm that:
> # dpkg -l libgd* | grep ^ii
> ii  libgdbm3       1.8.3-2        GNU dbm database routines (runtime
> version)

After I uninstalled all unneded packets with "apt-get --purge remove
`deborphan`" the webmail interface no longer worked (the library libgdbmg1
was also removed)

Then I checked the logs and found the following line in
courierwebmail: error while loading shared libraries: libgdbm.so.1: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory
[Fri Aug  5 14:57:06 2005] [error] [client] Premature end of
script headers: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/courierwebmail

Then I reinstalled libgdbmg1 and the interface worked again!

> And sqwebmail works without any problems. (I'm using postgres
> authentication
>   backend).
> What backend do you use? When does it fail? Do you get the login screen?
> What happens if you try to to authenticate by courierauthtest on the
> command-line?

I'm using mysql authentication and everyhting worked except sqwebmail. All
users could send and receive email without problems, only the webinterface
was disabled.

> BTW: Please always include the Version: Pseudo-Header, it makes the bug
> report much more useable, especially since the new version-tracking support
> in the BTS.

I used the packet "reportbug" to report the error. I will try to include the
version information next time!

Thanks for oyur help


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