severity 559252 normal
reassign 559252
retitle 559252 RM: mailreader -- RoQA; RC, low popcon, last action 2005

Dear ftp team,

I completely agree with Simons reasoning and since nobody objected I
hereby request the removal of mailreader.

On Thu, Dec 03, 2009 at 02:56:49AM +0000, Simon McVittie wrote:
> mailreader seems like a good candidate for removal from Debian:
> * RC-buggy (files in /var/www)
> * low popcon (inst=27 vote=4)
> * last upstream release was 2005
> * history of security vulnerabilities according to upstream changelog
> * the new upstream maintainer seems to be keeping the server (reference
>   installation) running, but not making releases?
> * alternatives exist (it's webmail)



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