El mar, 30-03-2010 a las 10:05 +0200, Frans Pop escribió:
> On Tuesday 30 March 2010, José L. Redrejo Rodríguez wrote:
> > Since about ten days, I can reproduce always this bug using daily builds
> > of squeeze images.
> >
> > I've also been using simple-cdd to do squeeze images, and the bug begun
> > to appear since last tuesday. So there must be some package migrated to
> > testing about those days that make it.
> I think the "migrated to testing" comment is incorrect.
> Daily built images use udebs from *unstable*, so it is quite likely to be 
> related to the upload of the new parted to unstable, which happened about 
> the time you indicate.

I know, but I meant that "migrated to testing" affected to the
simple-cdd builds that I do using a testing repository.
So, since then, the error raises in daily built images and in the isos I
generate with simple-cdd.

Anyway, looking at the parted changelog, I don't see anything related to
this bug, so maybe the guilty is somewhere else. In fact, the bug
apperared in the simple cdd generated images three or four days after
parted migrated (I'm using ftp.us.debian.org repository to create the
images, not my own mirror).

José L.

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