tag 565450 patch

For what it's worth, here's the trivial patch. Please consider making an upload.


commit 7cf26226cea38985f43c779cf83fa543eef71c01
Author: Obey Arthur Liu <art...@milliways.fr>
Date:   Fri Apr 2 23:08:28 2010 +0200

    Add missing python-asn1 runtime dependency.

diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 79ffec7..cccb71a 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Standards-Version: 3.8.4
 Package: python-twisted-conch
 Architecture: all
-Depends: ${python:Depends}, python-crypto (>= 2.0.1+dfsg1-1.1), python-twisted-core (>= 10.0), ${misc:Depends}
+Depends: ${python:Depends}, python-crypto (>= 2.0.1+dfsg1-1.1), python-twisted-core (>= 10.0), python-pyasn1, ${misc:Depends}
 Provides: conch, ${python:Provides}
 Conflicts: python2.3-twisted (<< 2.2), python2.3-twisted-conch, python2.4-twisted-conch
 Replaces: python2.3-twisted (<< 2.2), python2.3-twisted-conch, python2.4-twisted-conch

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