Quoting Stéphane Glondu (glo...@debian.org):
> Stéphane Glondu a écrit :
> > I was able to reproduce the bug on an amd64 box. Here is a backtrace:
> > 
> > Wserver: uncaught exception: End_of_file
> > Raised by primitive operation at file "", line 0, characters 0-0
> > Called from file "some.ml", line 664, characters 14-44
> > Called from file "some.ml", line 688, characters 7-46
> > Called from file "request.ml", line 734, characters 17-35
> > Called from file "request.ml", line 754, characters 12-39
> > Re-raised at file "request.ml", line 755, characters 38-41
> > Called from file "gwd.ml", line 1467, characters 23-116
> > Called from file "gwd.ml", line 1635, characters 12-95
> > Called from file "wserver.ml", line 338, characters 6-51
> More precisely, in database.ml, around line 441:
>   if Sys.file_exists fname_inx_acc then
>     let ic_inx_acc = Secure.open_in_bin fname_inx_acc in
>     do {
>       seek_in ic_inx_acc (Iovalue.sizeof_long * (table_size + i));
>       let pos = input_binary_int ic_inx_acc in
>       close_in ic_inx_acc;
>       seek_in ic_inx pos;
>       (Iovalue.input ic_inx : array dsk_istr)
>     }
>   else (* compatibility *)
> where:
>  - fname_inx_acc = "/var/lib/geneweb/test.gwb/names.acc"
>  - size of fname_inx_acc = 131064
>  - Iovalue.sizeof_long * (table_size + i) = 131864
> Obviously, Iovalue.sizeof_long is too big. Dividing it by two makes the
> original query work (it seems). But I cannot give any guarantee that it
> doesn't break something else.
> Has the upstream author been contacted about this issue?

Not until now (we hadn't enough information, imho).

As you guys did a lot of good investigation, I think it is now OK to
get in touch with Daniel about this bug.

Daniel, the whole story is at:


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