Package: live-helper
Version:  2.0~a9-1


Live-helper config does bogus checking on architecture.

To me it seems it only checks during "create" of the config tree

Please check architecture also during "update"


|$ mkdir qed
|$ cd qed
|$ sudo lh config --architecture i486
|P: Considering defaults defined in /etc/default/live-helper
|E: Architecture i486 not yet supported (FIXME)
|$ ls
|$ sudo lh config --architecture i386
|P: Considering defaults defined in /etc/default/live-helper
|P: Creating config tree
|$ ls
|auto  config
|$ grep -ri architecture *
|config/bootstrap:# $LH_ARCHITECTURE: select chroot architecture
|$ sudo lh config --architecture i486
|P: Considering defaults defined in /etc/default/live-helper
|P: Updating config tree
|$ grep -ri architecture *
|config/bootstrap:# $LH_ARCHITECTURE: select chroot architecture

Geert Stappers

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