tags 545052 moreinfo

On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 08:05:44PM +1100, Cameron Horsburgh wrote:
> Bastille seems to have nobbled some fairly critical executables on my
> machine, amongst them:
> /sbin/insmod/
> /sbin/modprobe/
> /sbin/depmod

Bastille doesn't touch any file permission unless you instruct it to do it.
If these executables' permissions have been modified is because you answered
"YES" to the question ""Would you like to set more restrictive permissions on
the administration utilities?" (default is 'NO').

The permissions set for these should have been set to '0750'. I.e. no
executable bit for users, but root (and users in the root group) should still
be able to execute them.

Could you please send me the current permissions for these executables and
tell me why does your system not boot? It should even if these are restricted
to only the roout user.



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