On Fri, 9 Apr 2010 18:32:38 +0200
"Francesco P. Lovergine" <fran...@debian.org> wrote:
> Thanks for your efforts. My opinion is that probably squeeze will
> be released with 1.3.2 series, which is currently more stable and
> tested. I'm going to release an experimental version and doing some
> tests with 1.3.3 anyway. Some known issues are still pending in
> 1.3.3, anyway. The whole thing is still not decided, it also depends
> on freezing delay.

An experimental package would already be great. SFTP support is highly
desired here and that is probably a feature that could interest other
system administrators.

Thanks for your work!

Jérémy Bobbio - Administrateur système et réseau
Mezcalito - http://www.mezcalito.fr
17 boulevard Agutte Sembat - 38000 Grenoble
04 76 01 03 91

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