Stephan Sürken quoted:
> + There will need to be a dedicated LVM volume group for the chroots
> + to be maintained on (with schroot).
> ---
> "There will need to be" sound strange for my (non-native) ears ;), maybe
> just a typo?

Don't worry, not a typo; all the following are grammatical.
    There is a dedicated LVM volume group
    There needs to be a dedicated LVM volume group
    There will be a dedicated LVM volume group
    There will need to be a dedicated LVM volume group

Now you point it out, it's interesting that idiomatic English lets
me do this, with the "will" applied on top of the "need".  I'm
treating it as if it was describing a requirement which will come
into existence in future; logically, the two layers of modality
should be the other way round, expressing a requirement (affecting
me now) that a dedicated LVM volume group is going to be available
(in future).  The "there (is)" on the very top is the final twist:
in an impersonal construction, who is it that feels the need?

So it would seem more reasonable if it was:

    It is necessary that there will be a dedicated LVM volume group

But no, that's thoroughly unidiomatic!
JBR     with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
        sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

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