Nico Golde schrieb:
* Wolfgang Kohnen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-08-08 11:52]:
sorry if this is a known bug, BTS seems to be down or something...

After hibernating my notebook with software suspend v2 to disk for a
while (say 10 hours), fetchmail can'T resolve servers' hostnames and
comlains about temporarily DNS errors. A restart of the fetchmail daemon
fixes this behaviour.

All the other programs are able to do this?
Regards Nico

Yes, Thunderbird, host, dig, ping, Firefox, whatever. Usually my resolv.conf points to a dnsmasq(8) on another machine which in turn is behind a NAT. But at work, with no NAT, no dnsmasq, resolv.conf points to a bind8 forwarder, it's the same behaviour. This is new to you? Shall I do some investigations, checks, do you have some ideas? That behaviour is not 100% reproducible, maybe (I can't tell now) it appears only when I change the network while the box is suspended... I don't know...


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