tags 511372 - fixed-upstream
tags 511372 + wontfix


Upstream considered this is not a bug:

Quoting https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=55959:

"I think SOAP::Lite needs too much memory" is no indication of a leak -
just a indication of high memory usage.

From man perldebguts:

"Perl is a profligate wastrel when it comes to memory use. There is a
saying that to estimate memory usage of Perl, assume a reasonable
algorithm for memory allocation, multiply that estimate by 10, and
while you still may miss the mark, at least you won't be quite so
astonished. This is not absolutely true, but may provide a good grasp
of what happens."

130MB actually don't make me astonished. SOAP::Lite creates the SOAP
request from, and parses the SOAP response into quite expensive memory
structures. It simply needs much memory. Of course it could be changed
(which software could not?) - but as it not an error, I won't change this.


Franck Joncourt

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