Interesting.  Here, kvm nevers stops. But this is,
perhaps, due to a more recent host kernel: mine is, which received qutie a few kvm updates.

I'm using kernel 2.6.32-3-bigmem #1 SMP, the one that is currently shipped with Debian testing (squeeze).

But I were able to install a winNT 4.0 system using,
surprizingly, -cpu host.  My CPU is AMD Athlon x2-64,
definitely something which winNT didn't know in 1996,
but it installs and works nicely.  I didn't use any
other options, just 4:

 kvm -hda winNT.raw -cdrom winNT4.iso -m 512 -cpu host

Care to try it out?

Thank you for the hint. I tried, together with the other options I need, but it didn't help:

The system run attempt
kvm -m 1024 -hda /backup/qemu/francke4/francke4.img -cdrom /backup/qemu/francke4/winnt4.iso -cpu host -boot order=cd -net nic,model=rtl8139,vlan=0,macaddr=00:11:22:33:44:66 -net user,vlan=0 -localtime -name francke4 -monitor stdio
results in => BSOD stop 0x0000001e in ntoskrnl.exe

And with reversed boot order, so an installation attempt the result is
=> BSOD stop 0x0000003e

Adding the option -smp 1 didn't help either.

Removing most of the other options doesn't help either.

Martin Stut
Dünsbergstr. 38         Phone:  +49-6421-953639
35043 Marburg   Email:
GERMANY         Web: <>

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