Hello Ignace,

i saw your debug log of the event when you reproduced the bug. I found a way
to make alltray function properly. If i use $alltray
<name_of_the_application> it works fine. When i use alltray -d
<name_of_the_application> too works fine,  sending me this debug messages:

(alltray:19497): Gtk-WARNING **: Não foi possível localizar a ferramenta de
temas no module_path: "murrine",
command without args: pcmanfm
basename: pcmanfm
command: pcmanfm
win->title_time: 0
win->notray: 0
win->libsyp_window id: 27262979
execute program: pcmanfm
lib is here: /usr/lib
old preload: (null)
preload string: LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/liballtray.so.0.0.0
wait for window

(pcmanfm:19499): Gtk-WARNING **: Não foi possível localizar a ferramenta de
temas no module_path: "murrine",
map notify
filter mapped window: 0x1800335 "user"window int: 25166645

window got through first filter
PID found: yes
PID match: no
process group id: 19492
process id match: no
PID found: no
found strings: res_class: Pcmanfm  res_name pcmanfm
res name down: pcmanfm
command down: pcmanfm
wm_class match: yes
found child window: 25166645
child have pid: 19499
need to reparent
leader change
wait for withdrawn
property notify
property notify
property notify
property notify
property notify
wm state changed
withdrawn --> ok
child size loop
child size loop
get_window_icon with size request: 30x30
read_rgb_icon  --> ok
command_menu->len: 0
have manager window.... now creat_tray.....
get_window_icon with size request: 24x24
read_rgb_icon  --> ok
update window title
net_wm_visible_name failed
title: user
win->title: user
icon_window_configure_event: 13x13
update_tray_icon: real plug size: 13x13
resize = TRUE
get_window_icon with size request: 13x13
read_rgb_icon  --> ok
icon window press event
first click
map notify
map notify
visibility notify state: 0
wm take focus !!!
visibility notify state: 1
wm take focus !!!
visibility notify state: 0
property notify
delete event!

(alltray:19497): Gdk-WARNING **: gdk_window_set_user_time called on

unmap notify
icon window press event
map notify
visibility notify state: 1
visibility notify state: 0
wm take focus !!!
property notify
delete event!

(alltray:19497): Gdk-WARNING **: gdk_window_set_user_time called on

unmap notify
icon window press event
map notify
visibility notify state: 1
visibility notify state: 0
wm take focus !!!
property notify
delete event!

(alltray:19497): Gdk-WARNING **: gdk_window_set_user_time called on

unmap notify
icon window press event
one under root function
current runner: 27262980
current runner: 16821797
get_window_position: window normal: 27262980, window our: 16821797

but, when i use the cross to docking an app, the bug (553314) occurs. When i
use $alltray  and click above of the window app with cross, alltray doesn't
function properly and show debug messages equal the debug message you sent
to Mike.


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