I'm suffering from an issue similar to this one. I found that switching to
VT and back to X a couple of times seems to fix the problem, but obviously
this isn't a real solution. Also because, with KMS, switching to console
is not going to do anything to the graphic card (and this is why I'm
keeping kms disabled, as the issue is still happening with recent kernel
and video drivers).

With respect to the original submitter situation, I think I'm luckier
because it doesn't happen always. It happens "sometimes" when switching
from VT to X (or starting X), when exiting powersave mode or when I turn
on the display with an X session active. Sometime the screen looks ok and
all works fine, sometimes I see some pixel flashing or fuzzy images (but
never both) and then the monitor will lose the video signal after some
second. Sometimes instead images are sharp but if the screen changes too
much the signal is lost immediately.

I don't think it's exclusively due to the monitor size because I had the
same problem with the same card but a smaller display (15" LCD at
1024x768): with the VGA connection it worked fine, the symptoms described
above appeared using DVI. But surely the problem is correlated with the
size, because it happened about one time every ten with the 15" display,
and now it happens approximately one time every three with a 22" display
(1680x1050 LCD).


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