Hello Denis,

On Mon, 2010-05-10 at 12:28 +0200, Denis Barbier wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am not a Salome user, but here are some (hopefully not too stupid)
> remarks about
>    http://ftp-master.debian.org/new/salome_5.1.3-8.html
>   * Binary packages are under the contrib/ section, AFAICT they can be
> moved into main

Wow, this should have been changed a *long* time ago when Open CASCADE
was accepted to Debian main!  Thanks, just made the change on alioth.

>   * libsalome and libsalome-dev ships a lot of shared libraries, some
> of which with very generic names libe libHELLO.so or libLauncher.so.
> This is a potential source of conflict, can all these libraries be
> moved into a private directory like /usr/lib/salome/ ?
>   * Libraries generated by swig have an underscore prepended, which
> means that they are not opened by the dynamic loader and should be
> moved into a private directory.

Good points.  The default salome behavior is to have them in a private
directory (I think /usr/lib/salome), I moved them into /usr/lib , but
you bring up a good reason to put them in the private directory.

I'll test this in my next build.

>   * Ditto for binaries; and there is a concrete conflict, salome ships
> /usr/bin/display which means that many people will not be able to
> install this package since imagemagick is very popular.  Can binaries
> be moved into a private directory, like /usr/lib/salome/bin/ ?  I
> guess that runSalome and killSalome have to be put under /usr/bin/, I
> can't tell for other binaries.

Same as above, I'll see what happens if they're in a separate directory.

>   * Binary packages seem to contain lots of tests
> (/usr/bin/*[tT][eE][sS][tT]* or /usr/lib/lib*[tT][eE][sS][tT]*), can
> they be dropped?

The plan is to move them into separate test binary packages.

>   * Description of the salome binary package has to be updated, AFAICT
> there is no binary under /usr/bin/salome/

You're right, that will just change to /usr/lib/salome/bin under the
plan you suggested.

>   * salome-common is quite large, are files under
> /usr/share/salome/resources/med/ really needed?  It looks like *.med
> files are already provided by salome-examples.

Good point -- many of those can probably go into the test binary
packages as well.

The test packages are described in the recent discussion on Salome
packaging on the debian-science email list. [1]  The others are errors I
really should have caught before!

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