On snein 16 Maaie 2010, Joerg Pietschmann wrote:
> On 14.05.2010 18:46, Thijs Kinkhorst wrote:
> > Interesting. Do you have an idea where this error could come from? Why
> > doesn't a 'phpmyadmin' database exist when you're trying to upgrade the
> > package? Or does it exist?
> I have no idea. The database didn't exist after the upgrade, and while I
> suspect it wasn't there before, I have no way to know for sure. The
> database dump created by the upgrade process contains only the default
> boilerplate comments. I don't know whether this is from an empty DB
> existing before the upgrade, because I went multiple times through the
> upgrade loop.
> BTW the problem I have is not the missing database but that the upgrade
> process didn't bail out on itself because of the missing database,
> preferably with a sensible error message, but had to be aborted manually
> in the interactive upgrade program.

I'm trying to recreate the environment in which this loop happens, so in that 
sense it's useful to know if you indeed also have a missing database. (It also 
begs the question how the database disappeared, but let's leave that point 
aside for now.)

I can recreate the situation a little bit: if I do the following:
- Install 4:3.3.2-1
- mysqladmin drop phpmyadmin
- Upgrade to 4:3.3.2-2
then dbconfig-common indeed reports errors similar to your log. However, it's 
only a loop if you keep pressing retry. If you instead choose abort, then 
something that looks like a loop apears but actually isn't: you get presented 
4 times with the MySQL error, but if you choose abort for 4 times in a row the 
installation does indeed continue after that.

What exactly did you try before you concluded that you were in a loop (the log 
you submitted shows two iterations only)? Did you choose 'abort' more than 4 


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