* Matthew Vernon <m.c.ver...@warwick.ac.uk> [Don Mai 21, 2009 at 03:41:53 

> mtr doesn't seem to work for hosts that are on different networks. The 
> failure mode is that I type in an IP address (or hostname) [or specify 
> same on command-line], and then it just sits there - nothing appears in 
> the trace bit of the window at all.

> It works fine with "localhost", and seems to at least work with 
> reasonably nearby network hosts (my machine is in bio.warwick.ac.uk, and 
> it works to www.warwick.ac.uk, for example, but not www.cam.ac.uk).

> Putting in an IP address rather than a hostname doesn't change this 
> behaviour.

This sounds like a problem with filtered ICMP messages.

Could you please try running "ping www.cam.ac.uk" (or any other host
that's known to cause problems) and then "ping -t 1 www.cam.ac.uk"?
You should get something like "From [...] icmp_seq=1 Time to live
exceeded" for the second case, if not your network administrators
decided to block incoming replies to outbound ICMP messages (very
common e.g. for defaults of Cisco hardware).


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