Oliver Kurth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> It is as if ifplugd doesn't even notice eth0.
> Is there any information in the log files? Did ifplugd tell anything?

No.  Or actually, the only thing in /var/log/syslog is that it
discovers the interface "sit0"

  Aug 10 09:53:08 fidgit ifplugd.hotplug[6643]: Invoking ifplugd for sit0
  Aug 10 09:53:08 fidgit ifplugd(sit0)[6656]: ifplugd 0.26 initializing.
  Aug 10 09:53:08 fidgit ifplugd(sit0)[6656]: Using interface 
  Aug 10 09:53:08 fidgit ifplugd(sit0)[6656]: Using detection mode: IFF_RUNNING
  Aug 10 09:53:08 fidgit ifplugd(sit0)[6656]: Initialization complete, link 
beat detected.
  Aug 10 09:53:08 fidgit ifplugd(sit0)[6656]: Executing 
'/etc/ifplugd/ifplugd.action sit0 up'.
  Aug 10 09:53:08 fidgit ifplugd(sit0)[6656]: client: Ignoring unknown 
interface sit0=sit0.
  Aug 10 09:53:08 fidgit ifplugd(sit0)[6656]: Program executed successfully.

> Also, do you remember any change to your system that my have caused the
> problem? A kernel update, for example?

I do not remember exactly, but it could very well have been related to
a kernel update.  Or any other update, since there have been lots of
updates to sarge.

> What happens when you do
> ifup eth0
> after boot, when it did not work?

"ifup eth0" always works when I run it manually.  I don't think
ifplugd tries to run it at boot.  If I unplug the cable and plug it
back in, ifplug will up the interface.

> Do you use dhcp?

Yes.  Below is my /etc/network/interfaces file.

  auto lo

  iface lo inet loopback

  iface eth0 inet dhcp

  mapping eth1
          script /sbin/ifscheme-mapping

  iface eth1-open inet dhcp

  iface eth1-home inet dhcp
      wireless-key <something>

lspci | grep Eth gives me this:

  0000:02:00.0 Ethernet controller: 3Com Corporation 3c905C-TX/TX-M [Tornado] 
(rev 78)

David Kågedal

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