
On Thu 11 Aug 2005 10:48 +0200, Romain Francoise wrote:
> Luca Capello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> manually unpacking the official Debian emacs-snapshot package revealed
>> me that gnus is included in it (which is the same for url, previously
>> externally provided by w3-url-e21).
> Gnus has always been included in Emacs.  emacs21 provides Gnus v5.9.0,
> emacs-snapshot provides Gnus v5.11, gnus provides No Gnus v0.4 (which is
> newer than v5.11).

I'm sorry, I thought emacs21 didn't include gnus (and it was my fault
not to cheked before posting, as I did for emacs-snapshot). And I
didn't now at all that gnus provides No Gnus (there's no hint in the
package description). Anyway, I'm installing gnus ;-)

> It would help if you stated the problem clearly instead of just
> suggesting solutions...

As of above, I thought the problem was not only in gnus-bonus-el, but
also in emacs-snapshot. Again, my fault.

> Is the problem that you want to be able to install gnus-bonus-el
> without installing gnus, so that you can use it with the Gnus
> version provided by emacs-snapshot? If that's what the problem is,
> then ask the gnus-bonus-el maintainer to change the  dependencies
> from 'gnus | emacs21 | xemacs21' to 'gnus | emacs21 | xemacs21 |
> emacs-snapshot' or something...

That's for sure, but before I asked here. Sorry for the confusion.

> In any case, I won't make emacs-snapshot provide gnus, it's the
> wrong solution.

That's why I asked at the end "am I wrong?" :-D

> Thanks for any clarification,

Thanks for your time, stopping here and filing a bug for

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

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