severity 521198 important
tags 521198 + wontfix

On Friday 07 May 2010, Olaf van der Spek wrote:
> Suhosin is now installed and enabled by default. So "1. if anybody
> installes a php security module, the documentation should be read" no
> longer applies.

php5-suhosin is actually installed cause of 3 reasons:

* installed intentionally
* installed cause recommandation by php5-common
* installed cause recommandation by syscp

So if you don't like php5-suhosin, just deinstall it!

> It seems certain defaults are very low. Could those defaults be increased?

These are just the default settings, set by the author of suhosin (like 
documented directly in /etc/php5/conf.d/suhosin.ini). We are not planing to 
touch them. 

With kind regards, Jan.
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